Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Good Instructions

We are learning: The requirements of good instructions.
You need detail, an example: Fold the paper in half longways.
You need 1 instruction per step, example: 1. Take a big step to the left. 2. Take a short step straight ahead.
You need precise language, example: Chop exactly half the paper, (32 cm) off.
You need descriptive words, example: Take a big step to the right, then a little to the left.
Use directional words, example: Turn left, turn 180 degrees.
Use appropriate verbs, example: Run, jump, tip toe.
You need to consider your audience, example: If your audience is for 5 year olds, you need to make the steps simple.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How to make a normal dart

First fold your paper in half longways.
Fold your top corners into the middle.
Take the corners around the middle into the halfway.
Fold in half.
Fold wings down to bottom edge.
Make sideburns on wings. ( small folds on wings)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Class Science.

The other day we watched a video on how to make a homemade lava lamp. We watched it and found out what we had to do. We then had to come up with a new question and hypothesis. Mine was if temperature of water affected the  experiment. Our hypothesis ended up correct. Here is a link to the website. http://www.sciencebob.com/experiments/lavalamp.php